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Discovering Strengths Coaching Cards

The simple yet powerful message is that all young people are worthy, and their strengths deserve acknowledgement, validation and celebration. 

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This Strength Pebble Coaching Cards deck empowers children and young people to identify, explore and recognise their strengths and potential, in order to understand themselves better and capably navigate life's challenges. Individually designed, created and hand drawn, each card visually brings the character strengths to life. Fun and engaging activities to use with the cards are provided alongside examples of powerful coaching questions, to inspire reflection, engage curiosity, and expand a young persons thinking.

Fun and engaging activities that can be used independently, in one-to-one coaching or therapeutic situations, or in group situations.

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This strength-based resource can be used by coaches, teachers, counsellors, psychologists, therapists, parents and caregivers, or anyone else working with children and young people.

Buy now for Euro 35 per card deck, plus postage. To purchase, contact me on 

Note: If delivery is within Switzerland, please email me directly for delivery within 2-3 working days.

Cost CHF 38 including postage for one deck of cards.

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